Category Archives: guppy effect merchandise

WEEKEND GUPDATE – I Can’t Believe It’s Here Already!

Hi Guppies.

Happy Thanksgiving Long Weekend.

Well, it is hard to believe, but GUPPY EFFECT’s final farewell rock-n-roll show is tomorrow (Saturday) night.

We are hosting our thanksgiving/goodbye party at Carp’s Landing in Lake Mills WI, a venue that we have rocked many times over the years. It is a great venue with lots of fun people and a variety of good beer on tap.

We could have just disbanded quietly and disappeared into the night, but that’s not us! We want to rock you one last time and give thanks for all your support over the years. We love that you love great rock-n-roll music.

We start at 9 PM and it will be non-stop rock-n-roll all night long until closing time, a great opportunity to come dance the night away and burn off some of those extra pounds gained during the Thanksgiving feasts.

Since it is also the kickoff of the holiday season, we will of course play our cult classic rock single GINGERBREAD (ZOMBIE) ARMY, as well as Spinal Tap’s CHRISTMAS WITH THE DEVIL.

There is a lot going on this weekend, so if you can’t make it to the show, don’t tear your hair out in despair. All bands occasionally have reunion shows here and there (Hint: My birthday party is on January 7th, 2012 and you are invited…). I just can’t guarantee that it will be as rocking as tomorrow’s show. Even if you can only stop out for an hour or so, I guarantee it will be worth it. I will even buy you a drink.

It’s also a last chance to get your hands on a GUPPY EFFECT band t-shirt (men’s and women’s sizes still available), if you don’t already have one. However, you can also get these at the GUPPY EFFECT ONLINE STORE. But don’t do that this weekend – you don’t want to be another Black Friday/Cyber Monday statistical lemming.

Have a fabulous day, and make good use of your time these next few weeks (just in case the Mayans were right…).